Boer Commodities
BOER COMMODITIES INC. is a reputable merchandiser of feed commodities with a history of success spanning 40-plus years, based in the San Joaquin Central Valley of California.
Our location in Fresno has created an ideal position for us that provides access to a wide array of commodity products generated literally in our backyard. We began in the dairy industry and have since diversified to include poultry, pet food and organic soil supplements.
Because of Boer Commodities Inc.’s long-established relationships with suppliers and customers, we are able to anticipate their needs as well as the dynamics of the markets, and how these changes affect our clients. Our staunch commitment to the people with whom we work, combined with the variety of commodities we procure and trade, means that we truly are a one-stop merchandiser.
Ultimately, quality service has always been the source of our success and continues to be an integral part of our business.
Call and inquire about our product offerings at any time.
7075 N. Howard Street, Suite 103,
Fresno, CA 93720
Phone: 559-253-7055
Toll Free Phone: 888-253-7055
Fax: 559-253-1635